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Update: Furuno GPS Rollover January 2022

A Furuno GPS rollover occurred on 2 January, 2022, affecting equipment with Furuno Global Positioning System (GPS) chips.

What is a GPS rollover?

The Furuno GPS system is synchronised to a different time scale than Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and calculates time by counting the number of weeks. After a certain number of weeks the receiver resets to zero and starts counting again.  

The subsequent inexact date information on Furuno GPS receiver clocks may result in positioning instability, generating errors in both the GPS position and date, such as the failure of GPS position acquisition.

Who will be affected?

Products with Furuno Global Positioning System (GPS) chips for position or UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) may produce an error. The problem affects products listed here on the Furuno website, including navigation and communication equipment.

Stand-alone Furuno GPS receivers and equipment using Furuno GPS chips, could produce data that is 19.7 years in the past, therefore generating errors in both the GPS position and date (19th May 2002).

What can be done?

Positional fix can be restored by carrying out a cold start, whereas the incorrect date issue requires you to carry out a software update. In some cases, you may be required to replace the GPS unit with a newer model. Click here for full information on how to administer a cold start and software update by GPS unit type.

If the problem persists, it may stem from failure of the equipment itself, not from the Furuno GPS rollover. If this is the case, contact the Pole Star support team or a Furuno authorised marine electronics dealer.

Please do not hesitate to contact our support team for any additional information you require.

Customer Support: +44 207 313 7403

Email: support@polestarglobal.com

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